Options for Sexual Health Back in My Day Campaign

Options for Sexual Health has just launched a social media campaign pushing for the provincial government to implement the standards they have set for sexual health education in BC schools. These standards are some of the strongest in the country but there is no follow-up that school districts are meeting the expectations.


Awareness raising, education, information sharing, and myth debunking.



This year’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Week’s theme is all about youth, but as we are an organization that serves multi-generational folks, we wanted to find a way that includes folks across the ages. When we were brainstorming this one idea that came up was to talk about the things we were taught (or not!) in sex ed. We realized that even as recently as a few years ago things that were “fact” are no longer accurate.

This campaign is calling on folks to provide us with their own “Back in my day” story of misinformation they learned, however they learned it, and we will debunk the myths. Submissions can be sent in as text, but what we would really love is some video clips that we can use on social media.



Record a 10-30 second clip of yourself sharing your back in my day story and send into Ashleigh ([email protected]) or Michelle ([email protected]) or upload to Slack via a direct message to either of us. For Instagram it’s best if the video is done with your phone held vertically rather than horizontally. Try to reduce background noise as much as possible, but also remember that we are living in the age of pandemic, and your video need not be a cinematic masterpiece to be amazing. See this sample.


Thank you for contributing to the campaign!