Register now for our keynote presentation with Guy Felicella on Safe Supply


Since March, we have been communicating October 22 as our virtual AGM date, but now we can release the official notice about the business meeting (below), as well as the exciting and timely keynote that precedes it.  Be assured we’ll make sure to take a break between them!  Sign up now, and please spread the word about Guy’s talk…

Please ensure you register for BOTH events separately (if applicable).


PAN AGM Keynote (Open to all)

Safe Supply & The Role of Community in Saving Lives and Changing Systems: A Call to Action 

October 22, 12-2 PM

The overdose crisis continues to ravage our province, taking lives, devastating families and forever-changing communities. COVID-19 has only made the situation worse, greatly increasing the unnecessary loss of life and other harms. Now more than ever, there is a need for true safe supply to address this overdose emergency by providing people with genuine alternatives to the illicit drug supply. This topic is paramount for our members and the people they serve, and a natural choice for our AGM keynote session.

We are honoured to have Guy Felicella be this year’s keynote presenter. Drawing from his lived experience, and his tremendous knowledge and expertise, Guy will provide a historical perspective of harm reduction in BC and a way for us to make sense not only of the current challenges but also the opportunities for change that this time affords us. Guy will help us understand and celebrate past (and recent) successes of advocacy, as well as his take on how we can now work together to achieve true safe supply. This session will provide hope and inspiration to both service providers and advocates. It will be a call to unwavering commitment, engagement and perseverance. This will be a highly interactive session, as Guy welcomes questions and dialogue.

Guy Felicella spent 30 years in addiction, dying and being brought back to life six times when the toxic drug supply hit the streets. With his treacherous journey through substance use Guy has become a respected and trusted expert, working as the Peer Clinical Advisor for the BC Centre on Substance Use.

(Download poster – Please share widely)


PAN Annual General Meeting (Members and Guests only)

October 22, 2-3:30 PM

TO: THE MEMBERS OF Pacific AIDS Network SOCIETY (the “Society”) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the Society Act of British Columbia (the “Act”) and the Bylaws of the Society, that the 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held virtually on October 22, 2020 from 2-3:30 PM.


This year, after communications with our lawyers and confirmation of acceptable wording from the CRA, and with the aim of being able to facilitate the involvement and compensation of people with lived experiences (PWLE) at the Board level, please be advised that the PAN Board of Directors is proposing the following Special Resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the bylaw be amended as follows:

Current Reading of Bylaw 84: The directors will serve as such without pay and will not directly or indirectly receive any profit from their positions. However, the organization may reimburse them for the reasonable expenses they paid while performing their duties.

Proposed Change to Bylaw 84: The directors shall receive no remuneration for occupying their position as directors or officers, but shall be entitled to be paid reasonable compensation for services provided to the organization, as well as expenses properly incurred in the performance of their duties, including their travel and other expenses properly incurred by them in attending meetings of the Board, of any committee, or of the members, or otherwise properly incurred by them in connection with carrying out the activities of the Society.

More information, including the Audited Financial Statements and ‘Year in Review’ annual report will be sent out prior to the meeting.

(Official notice)