PHCN & HepCBC- Formal Announcement

via Pacific Hepatitis C Network and HepCBC

It is with deep gratitude and excitement that we bring you this news: Pacific Hepatitis C Network and HepCBC are officially in the process of becoming a single, hepatitis-serving organization.

On August 26 2020, the HepCBC Board of Directors voluntarily resigned, and an entirely new slate of directors was elected by the HepCBC membership, so that now Pacific Hepatitis C Network and HepCBC share the same board members.

The HepCBC membership also voted to accept the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Pacific Hepatitis C Network (PHCN), and HepCBC. This MOU sets out the terms for a transition period over the next 6-12 months, whereby PHCN will integrate operations, management and governance into HepCBC, while preparing PHCN for dissolution.

PHCN board and staff would like to take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge all the previous HepCBC Directors, current members and all supporters over the years. There have been many struggles and facing them together allowed us to get to the strong position our province is currently at in the fight against viral hepatitis. There are still a few more mountains to climb, but we feel incredibly optimistic and confident in our collective ability to climb them.

We all – the current and past boards of HepCBC – strongly believe this change – two provincial hepatitis-serving organizations becoming one – strengthens the voice of our community.

We will keep you informed of key changes to come over this coming year. First up – a name change!  Stay tuned for that announcement in the next month or so.

For now, please continue to be in touch with Deb Schmitz, Executive Director at [email protected] or 604 740 1092 Daryl Luster, Peer Programs Lead at [email protected] and Kerri MacKay, Communications Lead at [email protected].