New PLDI Connections

Hi my name is Marc Seguin and I am the Manager of the PLDI program here in BC. The PLDI acronym stands for the Positive Leadership Development Institute, which is a structured program of professional development trainings for HIV-Positive people in BC. Some of our trainings include reflecting on Core questions, such as Who am I as a Leader?; others focus on enhancing Communication skills and learning about Governance on a Board of Directors.

The program recently reached a 10-year milestone with over 240 participants having graduated the Core training module. As Adult Leader Learners, we have worked primarily in an in-person group style setting, which has been a wonderful format to gather together and support one another as we build HIV peer leadership and hone our Leadership skills. Given the unprecedented onset of COVID-19 into our lives this has dampened but not dulled our opportunities to share in leadership.


This unexpected world event has prompted our PLDI training team to adapt and redirect the department’s time and resources to reconnect with our PLDI Graduates through virtual PLDI Grad Check-in(s) & Activities. There have been seven PLDI virtual event opportunities to connect with Grads over the past few months. Of note- there was one specifically for PLDI Grad Women, an interprovincial virtual PLDI Jamboree with our fellow PLDI Grads in Ontario, and a PLDI specific virtual Film screening with panelists and PLDI Grad Martin- showcasing his film H.I.V. Healing Inner Voices.

It was important to come together as HIV-Positive leaders and have opportunities to be with each other, albeit in a (virtual) community.


In reflection, here are a couple quotes from PLDI Grads from our Check-ins.

“It was a good way to connect and share, and to give contemplative thought to what I had done specifically during these extraordinary times”

“Allows me to stay connected with my HIV+ peers in BC in a way that wouldn’t be possible otherwise. Leadership is always reflected in the strength of my peers and their lived experience when we have a PLDI connection. My own leadership is inspired when we connect”


As we head into the fall and look at potential opportunities for leadership connection and leadership learning, our next PLDI Grad Check-in & Activity will be held in early September. PLDI BC is part of a Community Alliance PLDI-IDLP with the Ontario AIDS Network and COCQ- SIDA in Quebec. Together, along with online Check-in & Activities in this new era, we are working towards developing a Leadership Advocacy pilot training, an online Governance training, Pre-Training (modules) online and a PLDI-IDLP web portal. As we are all adapting and learning the new language of e-learning, some of these items may be developed and available sooner than others. PLDI will be reaching out in the fall to some of our member organizations for capacity building and promotion of Leadership Training for HIV-Positive people in BC.

As Dr. Bonnie Henry says, Be Kind, be Calm and be Safe.



Questions? Feedback? Get in touch!
Marc Seguin, PLDI Manager

[email protected]