IMPORTANT Information regarding the Addition of Antiretroviral Therapies in PharmaNet


PAN has become aware of important information we want to share with all people living with HIV in BC and community-based ASOs.

The Government of British Columbia recently announced that effective May 4, 2020, the dispensing pharmacies for the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) Drug Treatment Program will begin entering antiretroviral (ARV) prescriptions in PharmaNet.

Although it is stated “This decision was made with the utmost consideration for patient privacy, and with consideration to views of health care providers and advocacy groups that inclusion of ARVs in PharmaNet would provide greater safety to patients than harm”, this is a controversial move in our sector, coming after decades of ARVs being excluded.  There is a real concern, especially in more rural/remote settings, for breaches of patient confidentiality and stigmatization – as well as with the speed and timing of the change, and the lack of forewarning for community agencies. At the very least, education is needed on this.  We ask that all organizations and people living with HIV share this information widely so that PLHIV have time to contemplate their options, as it will take many by surprise.


Please see the following links for additional information:

Excerpt from the BC Pharmacare Newsletter, Edition 20-008, May 1, 2020


Effective May 4, 2020, the dispensing pharmacies for the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) Drug Treatment Program will begin entering antiretroviral (ARV) prescriptions in PharmaNet. This decision was made with the utmost consideration for patient privacy, and with consideration to views of health care providers and advocacy groups that inclusion of ARVs in PharmaNet would provide greater safety to patients than harm. The PharmaNet system has strict access controls, and Ministry of Health expects all health care professionals that access the system to honour their profession obligation to patient confidentiality.

There are no changes to the PharmaCare benefit status for HIV/AIDS medications. Coverage will remain through existing processes at BC-CfE.

Read within BC Pharmacare Newsletter


This notice was sent to BC Pharmacists from the provincial government.