Substance Use News March 2020

Substance Use News provides a snapshot of news and resources for those working to support folks who use substances. We share pieces on the social, medical and political responses to the opioid crisis, from advocacy to welcome change. See our Drug Use and Overdose Response page for resources on overdose services, team resilience, governmental reports, policy recommendations, and more.


Apocalypse Prescribing: Crackdown Podcast Digs into Safe Drug Supply during COVID-19 crisis
In episode 15, the Crackdown team explores the new guidance in BC that has the government allowing safer prescription alternatives to street drugs. (53 minute listen)


BC’s Guidance Document: Clinical Guidance Risk Mitigation in the Context of Dual Public Health Emergencies
As the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue, the drug supply may become significantly more toxic, based on limited importation and availability, and illicit substances may become significantly more difficult to get. This guidance from the BC Centre on Substance Use is the document referred to in the Crackdown podcast above.


Webinar on-demand: Supporting Harm Reduction in COVID 19 Shelter and Self Isolation
In this webinar, Dr. Christy Sutherland, Medical Director of the Portland Hotel Society, presents strategies for supporting people who use drugs (including those who don’t have a doctor) when they are in self-isolation or social distancing, discuss prescribing practices and how to help people stay away from the illicit drug market. Slides


Substance Use and COVID-19 from the BC Centre on Substance Use
To support people who use drugs, front-line service providers, and health care workers, the BCCSU has compiled the best available guidance and will update as new resources become available.


COVID-19 Guidance for People Who Use Drugs
Safer Drug Use During the COVID-19 Outbreak. Developed by the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition for people who use drugs and healthcare providers


Safer drinking guide in light of COVID-19. Developed by the University of Victoria.







Questions? Feedback? Get in touch! Janet Madsen, Capacity Building  and Knowledge Translation Coordinator, [email protected]





Focus image by Andrew, Flickr (Creative Commons)