Ending conversion therapy in Canada

New release:  Ending conversion therapy in Canada: Survivors, community leaders, researchers, and allies address the current and future states of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression change efforts. This report was developed following a November 2019 Vancouver meeting of 31 conversion therapy survivors, LGBTQ2S community leaders, researchers, and policy advocates.

The report comes as the federal government is working on a bill to ban conversion therapy across the country. It includes guidance on elements the federal legislation should aim to address, as well as further needs identified by conversion therapy survivors.

Eliminating conversion therapy in Canada will require a multi-part strategy, including support for survivors, legislative action (such as bans), institutional change, and clear communications, according to a new report from a dialogue in Vancouver, organized by conversion therapy survivors, community leaders, researchers, and allies. (Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity)


Read more from the Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity.

Read Executive Summary

Read full Report