The Positive Effect: an online conference in the fight against HIV stigma

On June 13 2019, Universities Without Walls will host The Positive Effect: an online conference in the fight against HIV stigma. All you need to join us is a computer that can connect to the internet. We want to share experiences of stigma, collaborate on projects with other HIV+ people, and foster a sense of community.

If you’re interested, we have a couple of options. If you’re if you’re ready to sign up right now, let’s do it! If you’re curious about participating but not sure yet, you can sign up for our mailing list, and we’ll send you (very occasional, highly unobtrusive) reminders and updates on our exciting speakers.


The Media Fair

As part of this event, we’re also hosting a media fair.  Instead of the typical poster session, we’re looking for exciting, genre-busting, audiovisual representations of interventions against HIV stigma. Rather than a “poster session,” the Poz Effect conference will feature a media fair. We want to take full advantage of the web as a medium to creatively transmit academia. You can submit using the form below, but please read this part first.

We’re specifically looking for audiovisual accounts/representations of HIV stigma interventions. Films, digital posters, podcasts, stop motion, poetry, and video performances are all welcomed, but we’re also very open to being surprised. Blow our minds.

We’re looking for audiovisual material that represents collective efforts and individual academic research. In some cases, you might have a huge full project; we kindly ask you to submit one portion of it, or summarize it briefly using audiovisual formats. We will give preference to collective intervention efforts to stop stigma. We will consider arts-based and academic-based individual works.

What we can’t accept at this time are individual life stories and testimonials. Unfortunately, these fall outside the scope of this particular conference. If you’ve got something that doesn’t quite fit this event’s niche, we hope we’ll find a chance to collaborate in the future. Learn more and submit your piece(s) here.