Positive Living BC Annual General Meeting & Community Forum


HIV Criminalization Updates
Thursday, August 9, 2018 – 7:00 PM
Positive Living BC – 2nd floor meeting room

Join us at the Positive Living BC 2nd floor meeting room immediately following our Annual General Meeting. The Positive Living BC, Annual General Meeting is a Members only event but the Community Forum presentation will be open to Members of Positive Living BC, all people living with HIV and their friends, family and supporters starting at 7pm.


HIV Criminalization Updates

Do the new Prosecutorial Guidelines for HIV Non-disclosure really change how HIV is criminalized in BC? In March of this year, the new BC Crown Counsel Policy Manual was released with updated language regarding how Non-disclosure of HIV Status complaints will be assessed and charges laid. Science is outpacing the law at an astounding rate. Even though more than 600 organizations in 75 countries have endorsed the Undetectable=Untransmittable Consensus Statement backed by solid medical evidence that says those who are living with HIV in their blood and who adhere to Antiretroviral Therapy to maintain an undetectable viral load in their blood cannot transmit the virus to their sexual partners; this is not included in BC’s new prosecutorial guidelines. Presented by Micheal Vonn, Policy Director of the BC Civil Liberties Association.


Hashtag for more info: #UequalsU #MichealVonn #bccla #ConsensusStatement  #PozLivingBC

The Community Forum Educational Series is presented six times per year at various locations throughout Metro Vancouver. Date, time and locations to be announced. This informative educational series brings clinical and personal perspectives to a variety of topics that are of interest to people living with HIV, front line service providers and friends. Join us to hear the latest research and education on HIV-related topics and participate in discussions with the presenters. Or, join us live online via webinar if you cannot be there in person. Supported by Positive Action Committee