Update on the Interior Sexual Health Initiative petition & request to boost on your communication channels

Dear Current ISHI Sponsors,

We are very appreciative to those who have taken part in the ISHI petition. It would be very much appreciated if you could use your communication platform(s) to help us reach our target of 1000 signatures. There is a digital petition available, and a hard copy. This is the link to the online petition

In addition, the ISHI Facebook page has made a post available at the following link, (you must have a Facebook account)  and this link may be shared as well.

There are major health inequities for marginalized populations in the interior region. With the 2012 closure of 5 sexual health clinics within Interior BC there are individuals lacking access to sexual health services. With your help we hope to raise awareness of this disparity through the ISHI petition. Our goal is to increase sexual health & STI services that are safe, non-judgmental & confidential. This can be done with the help of adding your name to our online petition and please use the hashtag: #ISHIpetition”.

Please let us know if you would be willing to help, and if you have any further questions or concerns about our project.

Thank you!

Kim Kinakin, Men’s Health Initiative

menshealthinbc.com facebook.com/menshealthinbc