Message from Don Davies on Motion 186

Don Davies, the federal Health critic for the New Democratic Party, recently reached out to PAN with this message:

As the federal Health critic for the New Democratic Party, advocating for the prevention, detection, treatment and support for folks living with HIV continues to be a key part of my work. As such, I recently put Motion 186 on the Order of Paper in the House of Commons.

This motion calls for the government to:

a. involve people living with HIV in all decisions across government related to the health, well-being, and dignity of people living with and affected by HIV;
b. encourage people living with HIV to start and stay on treatment; and
c. work towards dismantling stigma by adopting the Ontario Accord and endorsing the Undetectable = Untransmittable campaign.

The motion can be found here:

My office is collaborating with community HIV/AIDS organizations to advocate for the work outlined in M-186. If you are interested, I would be honoured to work with you or members of your staff. Please let me know if there is any way that I can better support your work and those who are living with and affected by HIV.

I applaud the work that you and your organization do day in, and day out, to support people living with HIV/AIDS in your community. Thank you again for your contributions and dedication.

Best regards,

Don Davies
M.P. Vancouver Kingsway


For more information, connect with Don Davies