Canadian Webinar Series on Implementing the WHO Consolidated Guideline on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women Living with HIV


The Canadian Webinar Series on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights would like to invite you the third of a multi-phase series of webinars focused on key aspects regarding the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV in Canada:

Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice:

Canadian Webinar Series on Implementing the WHO Consolidated Guideline on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women Living with HIV

The World Health Organization Consolidated guideline on the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of women living with HIV is grounded in and advocates for a strengthened, comprehensive, woman-centred approach to SRHR. The guideline outlines evidence-based recommendations and good practice statements for key operational and service delivery issues that need to be addressed in order to uphold human rights and promote gender equality. Unique to the development of this guideline, a global community survey was conducted on the SRHR priorities of women living with HIV. It highlighted challenges experienced by women living with HIV in recognizing the right to pursue their fertility goals, including planning for safer pregnancies, spacing desired pregnancies, and preventing unintended pregnancies.

In Canada, despite the benefits that adherence to anti-retroviral therapy (ART) offers in terms of increasing life expectancy and supporting improved fertility for women living with HIV, reproductive decision-making is complex. Many women need to navigate structural and societal stigma and inequities that shape their decision making regarding contraceptive choice and uptake, safer pregnancy and other related SRH services. At the same time, many women living with HIV need to navigate social norms and expectations linked to being fertile, as well as what it means to be a “good” mother.

In response to the need for better guidance on how to support the reproductive rights, goals and planning of women living with HIV within communities, as well as service and care provision, this webinar highlights current strategies, challenges, and opportunities to support the reproductive health and rights of women and girls living with HIV within a reproductive justice framework. The webinar brings together perspectives from women living with HIV, front-line community workers, researchers, clinicians, and policy makers who will share key considerations and highlight research and service gaps and the importance of integrating principles of the Meaningful Involvement of Women Living with HIV (MIWA) when designing interventions and recognizing women’s resilience.

You are warmly invited to join this webinar on Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice, (in English) Wednesday, January 24th 2018: 9:00-10:30 AM PST, 12:00 -13: 30 EST, and 18:00 -19:30 PM in Geneva.


Webinar Objectives:

The overall goal of the webinar series is to support implementation of the WHO consolidated guidelines on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV.


Specific objectives include to:

  • Provide an overview of new WHO recommendations on elective C-section and safe abortion for women living with HIV as well as current research about the reproductive health of women living with HIV in the Canadian context using data from the Canadian HIV Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study (CHIWOS);
  • Introduce guidelines and a toolkit developed by clinicians, women living with HIV and stakeholders for health and social service providers to support reproductive health and rights within a reproductive justice framework; including the newly updated Canadian HIV Pregnancy Planning Guidelines (2018) and the Supporting Mothers in Ways that Work: A Resource Toolkit for Service Providers Working with Mothers Living with HIV (2016);
  • Gain insights from women living with HIV to highlight gaps in research and priority areas for further attention;
  • Develop an action plan on to support the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV in the Canadian context, including actions to support the reproductive health, rights, and justice of women living with HIV.



Please follow this link to register for the webinar. Webinar ID: 958-488-283


Learn More:

WHO Consolidated Guideline Executive summary

Links to past webinars in the series:

Trauma and Violence Aware Care

Supporting Safe HIV Disclosure


Webinar Speakers: