HIV and Older Adults: An Online Course for Health and Social Service Providers


Do you have the knowledge, skills and tools to respond to the aging-related needs of people living with HIV?

Register now for this FREE course!


“I do worry if I have to go into a long-term care home, or even have to have visits from a home care provider, not only because of the HIV, but also because of being a gay man, there’s still a lot of stigma, I think, and particularly around HIV…”  (hear more from John about Growing Older with HIV)


Course Objectives:

HIV and Older Adults is an evidence-based blended learning course designed to provide information and strategies to help front-line healthcare and community service providers:

  • Understand and respond confidently to the health and social needs of clients aging with HIV
  • Identify and connect older adults living with or vulnerable to HIV to relevant services
  • Challenge myths and misconceptions about aging, HIV and sexuality


Course Format:

All course activities can be done online.  All activities can be completed at your convenience, with the exception of one interactive webinar/virtual group discussion in Week 4 which is mandatoryYou will be prompted to indicate the date/time you wish to participate in this interactive online session when you register for the course.  There are five options.

The course will run over a four-week period between November 6th and December 1, 2017.  Required activities should take no longer than 2 hours each week.

At this time, the course is available in English only.


What you will need to participate:

  • Access to a computer or tablet
  • High speed internet connection
  • Computer speakers or headphones so you can hear the webinars/videos


Curriculum at a Glance:

Week 1 (November 6-12, 2017)

Understanding HIV and Applying an Aging Lens


Week 2 (November 13-19, 2017)

Social Determinants of Health and their Impact on Older Adults Living with or Vulnerable to HIV


Week 3 (November 20-26, 2017)

Physical, Mental and Cognitive Complexities of Aging with HIV


Week 4 (November 27-December 1, 2017)

Applying HIV and Older Adults Course Learning in your Work


**More detail on the weekly topics and required activities can be found in the course syllabus.



To register for the course, visit:


If you have questions about the course, please contact:

Kate Murzin

Health Programs Specialist, Realize

1240 Bay Street, Suite 600

Toronto, ON, Canada  M5R 2A7

T: (416) 513-0440 ext  244

[email protected]



The most important thing I learned was that living with HIV increases the chance that someone will experience other illnesses and how to be more sensitive to the specific challenges a HIV positive person experiences in their interactions with the health care system. I have been working in health care for 11 years and I have seen very little improvement on some of the ways HIV positive people are treated by the people responsible for their care. I hope that programs like this will empower people to educate their coworkers and the public.” (Reflections from a past course participant)