BC Government Offers New Overdose Information Campaign materials

We received an email from the Ministry of Health asking us to share the news that they’ve produced resource material to help with overdose awareness and prevention:


We are reaching out to you to ask for your help informing the people in your networks about how to prevent fatal overdoses. To that end, we are offering rack cards, wallet cards and posters for distribution to you at no charge to your organization.

Please review catalogue of the materials available. The government will be making a print order July 18  and will be shipping to organizations during that week. There will be no cost to organizations.

If you’re interested, please fill in the attached order form and return it to [email protected] by July 18.

You may also use digital files on your websites and social media. These are available on the Overdose Awareness- What You Need to Know page under the – Campaign Kit Materials side bar.

Catalogue of Materials
Order Form