MHI February Newsletter

Things are already busy!

Thanks for helping support and grow the MHI community by spreading the word of our services and events – together it’s amazing what we can accomplish!

Keeping you up to date with MHI and community events is a part of this e-newsletter, so scroll on down and read about funding, testing, GUYthering, and volunteering news – all this, and it’s just the beginning of the year!

Cheers – Kim Kinakin, MHI Coordinator
[email protected]

If you have any clients or contacts that my be interested in accessing MHI services, we have mulitiple options for them to participate with us including several volunteer committees. Please pass them on to this link to sign-up for a separate mailing list.

Help us secure MHI service in BC’s Interior

As mentioned in our last newsletter – the funding for MHI through it’s current federal funding is coming to an end – this year we are expected to solidfy funding partners and opportunities if we want to continue services into 2018. 

We know many of you MHI Community Partners have creative ideas with connections to make dreams into reality. We could really use your help right now as we work towards securing MHI services for the future.

Contact [email protected] if you know of any contacts or funding opportunities to help secure MHI services.

PRICK!   Thurs. Feb 16th

We are excited to let you know that not only do we have a commitment to continue PRICK! in Kelowna once a month through into May (thanks to IHA and Opt), but we might also see PRICK! expand into Penticton (fingers crossed).

Our current PRICK! event now has 6 community sponsors and has the use of 1-800-739-7367 from Opt to book appointments. We have seen an increase in guys showing up at each event since November (from 7 to 10 to 13)  – both MSM and MSW! There is clearly a need and demand for services targeted to men. We have created a Frequently Asked Questions document to hand out to the guys, and we also have a survey to get a better idea of how to shape future events

Our next PRICK! event is Feb. 16th at Opt clinic at 285 Aurora Ave in Kelowna/Rutland. Click here for more info.

GUYthering   April 2017

The details are still coming together – but we thought we’d give you a heads up that MHI is in the process of putting together another summit of ‘guys who like guys’ this April in Kelowna. We would like to bring in a broad spectrum of guys from across BC’s interior who identify with the program and would like to see it grow. Limited travel subsidies will be available, so get in touch with us NOW if you would like to get a clients name on the list for consideration. We will do our best to make it possible for all guys interested to be able to attend.

Volunteer Committees   
Research & Advocacy

The Research & Advocacy Committee has been hard at work putting together grant proposals for MHI research into understanding health, identity & community among rural men who have sex with men. If you know someone who likes research and planning and has some time to volunteer – send an email to Kim to get them involved with this committee.

Communication and Outreach (PRICK!)

If you know some guys who like people and would like to help promote MHI then this committee might be right for them. One of our most successful events has been PRICK! – with steady support we hope to make PRICK! a regular monthly event in Kelowna and expand it to Penticton, Nelson and Kamloops. And that’s where volunteers come in – we need guys to voluneer at the front table and greet folks at the door. We believe having a MHI ‘face’ to welcome guys starts things off right for guys wanting to get tested for the first time. If you know some guys who can help out for 2 to 4 hours then get in touch and we can train them. 

Community Sponsors   
Work with MHI to build community.

If you know of an event or an organization that puts on events and you think they might want to work with MHI then drop us a line. We can reach out to them to discuss what options are there to work together. Whether it be helping spread the word on social media, making safer sex resources available for an event or helping us spread the word on MHI events. Community sponsorships are a great way to work together and build community.