Resource Toolkit for Service Providers Working with Mothers Living with HIV

The Supporting Mothers in Ways that WMothers toolkitork forum was held in Vancouver, BC in September 2014. The purpose of this forum was to bring together health and social service providers, women living with HIV and researchers from across BC to discuss issues and strengthen regional networks to enhance services for mothers living with HIV.

Rather than generate a report from this forum, the HIV Mothering Study team has been working on a resource toolkit for frontline health and social service providers. The purpose of the toolkit is to increase health and social care providers’ awareness and understanding of the psychosocial needs and experiences of women living with HIV during pregnancy, at the time of childbirth, and postpartum. The target audience for the toolkit is any health or social care provider who may interact with women living with HIV during the perinatal period.

Download the toolkit and share with your networks and colleagues!