CCDR: Volume 41-12, December 3, 2015: Good news on HIV

Inside this issue: Good news on HIV

HIV rates are dropping in Canada, recent evidence on early HIV treatment has informed new global recommendations by the World Health Organization (WHO), and the UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS has challenged the world with an ambitious treatment target to help end the AIDS epidemic. In Canada, at the local/regional, provincial/territorial and federal levels, an assessment of the implications of these developments is currently underway. This issue provides a snapshot of these developments and more. See the summary surveillance report with the latest HIV rates in Canada, read about the new information gleaned over the last few years on barriers and facilitators to HIV testing, and consider the case for addressing the social and structural drivers of undiagnosed and undertreated HIV.


HIV in Canada: 2009 to 2014
Tomas K, Dhami P, Houston C, Ogunnaike-Cooke S, Rank C


An overview of recent evidence on barriers and facilitators to HIV testing
Traversy GP, Austin T, Ha S, Timmerman K, Gale-Rowe M


Tackling the social and structural drivers of HIV in Canada
Rourke SB, Bacon J, McGee F, Gilbert M

ID News

Early antiretroviral treatment: What is the evidence?

Useful links

Joint United Nations Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS). 90−90−90—An ambitious treatment target to help end the AIDS epidemic. (PDF document) Geneva: UNAIDS; 2014.

World Health Organization (WHO). Guideline on when to start antiretroviral therapy and on pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV. Geneva: September 2015.