Positive Women’s Network Welcomes New Executive Director

pwnbc_logoOctober 15, 2015 – The Board of Directors of Positive Women’s Network (PWN) is pleased to announce they have chosen Donna Tennant to be PWN’s new Executive Director. Donna has worked as Positive Women’s Network’s Director of Fund Development for ten years, building partnerships to enhance programs and funding support. She is familiar to many of our partners and allies in the HIV community.

Donna has been an independent consultant for twenty years, mostly within non-profit groups, and is dedicated to addressing the barriers to positive social and health outcomes for individuals and communities. She has worked with organizations that represent a wide spectrum of society including Aboriginal health and wellness, social justice, HIV, poverty, children’s groups, and youth services. Donna has a proven understanding of revenue development, strategic planning and the capacity building process.

After accepting the offer of Executive Director, Donna said “I am humbled and honoured to have been chosen for this position and look forward to working with all members of the community on PWN’s proven services and exciting new directions we may take.”

Positive Women’s Network is Canada’s longest running organization supporting women living with HIV. Donna will lead the organization, its partners and allies in carrying on excellence in the provision of leadership, support and education on HIV-related health, social and prevention initiatives for women. She will move into her new role November 1, 2015.

For more information, visit http://pwn.bc.ca/