Job Posting – Community Case Manager, SOS

SOS Logo Final Org Name 1 - smallSOS is a community-based organization that supports refugee claimants in navigating Canada’s refugee determination process. We provide first language settlement services for refugee claimants in BC as well as health promotion and case management services for refugee claimants, refugees and recent immigrants living with HIV.

The Community Case Manager, working within a harm reduction model, will provide a low barrier service to recent immigrants and refugees living with HIV by offering community intake and assessment, referrals, liaison, care coordination and advocacy to address health needs to maximize their quality of life and clinical outcomes. The Community Case Manager will engage resources to facilitate access to health services, housing resources, food security, income security, disability benefits, legal assistance, and psycho- social supports with a focus on brief interventions to address care needs that are generally able to be completed over a period of 1 week to 3 months. The Community Case Manager will utilize a standardized assessment tool to assess needs and refer clients unable to engage in their care plan to clinical services such as the PHC interdisciplinary IDC team and VCH Clinical Case Management Team (STOP Team). The Community Case Management team will work in close collaboration with the VCH HIV Clinical Case Management Team (STOP Team) to ensure seamless transition between teams. This position is part of a sub-contract with AIDS Vancouver and reports to the Director of SOS and receives clinical supervision from the Health Promotion and Community Case Management Supervisor at AIDS Vancouver.

Click here to view the complete job posting. To apply, please send a cover letter and your resume to Kerstin Walter, Director, SOS at [email protected].

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis with interviews to be scheduled in the week of October 19, 2015