Cast Canada: 2 New Workshops in Vancouver!

castCast Canada is offering two Trauma Workshops in Vancouver this coming October:

Trauma Essentials

Tuesday Oct 20, 2015, 9am-4pm
Vancouver Public Library
An authentic, exploratory and unique day about the role of trauma, loss and unresolved grief in your most challenging clients.  A day for all health, justice, social work and education professionals.

You Will Leave With:

  • A new, deep understanding of the role of trauma, loss and unresolved grief in your work.
  • Tools to learn safe, productive ways to move ahead.
  • A new awareness of goal setting and the ability to identify when too much positivity may be harmful
  •  Be more able to be ‘present’ with your clients and self
  • Learn to appreciate the complexity in the clients that need you most

Brought to you with the support of the BC Borstal Association      


Trauma Informed Harm Reduction
Friday Oct 23, 2015, 9am-4pm
10th Floor Skyroom, Woodward’s – Portland Hotel Society
A unique and real understanding of addiction through a trauma informed lens. A day for all health, justice, social work and helping professionals.


  • This day will lay the ground work for an  understanding of trauma, attachment theory, abuse/violence, brain injury, ambient/environmental trauma etc., to address the complexity of your work
  • Gain ways to support and empower clients with a knowledge of cravings and withdrawals
  • Learn to talk about ‘relapse’ in a way that creates success.
  • Learn some new philosophical ideas such as ‘catastrophic abstinence’.
  • Develop skills to create readiness for change and re assess goal setting and progress

Brought to you with the support of the Portland Hotel Society