Canadian AIDS Society Webinar Series: The Medical Use of Cannabis – Part 2: The Law

CAS logoThe Canadian AIDS Society is hosting a webinar series on the Medical Use of Cannabis (Marijuana).

Part 1: The Science (held on December 11, 2014)
Part 2: The Law
Part 3: Safer Use and Better Health

Part 2: The Law will be held in English on Wednesday, April 1st, 2015 from 2 pm to 3:30 pm Eastern time, on the 1st anniversary of the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations.

The webinar will provide a brief overview of cannabis law in Canada and the history of access to cannabis for medical purposes. It will explain how to obtain legal access to cannabis for medical purposes and clarify what is legal and what is not under the regulations. Our guest speaker, Kirk Tousaw, will provide an update on pending court cases and their possible implications and will address some issues that remain unresolved under the regulations.Guest Speaker: Kirk Tousaw, barrister, Tousaw Law Corporation

Kirk Tousaw is a barrister, was Counsel in Allard et al v. Her Majesty the Queen case, the injunction to allow people to grow cannabis for medical use, and Counsel for the Accused in R. v. Smith, the case on medical cannabis extract that was just heard in the Supreme Court of Canada. Kirk’s primary practice areas are Medical Cannabis Regulatory Compliance, Cannabis Criminal Defense and Strategic Litigation. He sits on the Boards of the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, NORML Canada and the Sensible BC Society.

CAS’ Resident Expert: Lynne Belle-Isle, National Programs Consultant

Lynne Belle-Isle is a National Programs Consultant at CAS and a Research Affiliate of the Centre for Addictions Research of BC. She was an expert witness in R. v. Beren and Swallow, a case in the British Columbia Supreme Court to determine the constitutionality of the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations. Her research has focused on barriers to access to cannabis for medical purposes.

To register: Please email [email protected] or call 1-800-499-1986, ext. 114.

This webinar series has been developed by the Canadian AIDS Society in collaboration with the Canadian Treatment Action Council, the Canadian Association of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries, the Canadian Cancer Society, the Canadian Pain Coalition, the Chronic Pain Association of Canada, the Drug Users Advocacy League and Positive Living BC.