PHCN: Annual General Meeting Announcement

Pacific Hep C_logoPacific Hepatitis C Network’s Annual General Meeting is taking place Monday, January 26, 3 – 5 pm. This AGM is our first completely online AGM and we are looking forward to having as many of you attending as possible! It has been hard to have full participation in the past because our PHCN members – your hep C community – reside all over the province! Online voting has been an option for the past few years and this year, you can attend online too.

AGM documents – the 2013 draft AGM minutes, the 2013-14 Year End financial statement, 2014-15 Year to Date Financial statement, the 2014-15 Board Slate, the President’s Report – will show up in your inbox over the next 10 days or so. As well, the link to the AGM itself will be provided closer to the date AND very clear direction for using the online meeting once you are there.

Please be in touch with Deb if you have any questions about the AGM or any of the documents we send. See you there!