13th Alberta Harm Reduction conference announced – call for abstracts

Policy, Practice and Research – Creating Positive ChangeAlberta Harm Reduction Conference

When: June 2 – 3, 2015
Where: Edmonton, AB

This conference is co-hosted by AAWEAR and Streetworks, and organized by the Harm Reduction agencies throughout Alberta. Our plenary speakers include Dr. Carl Hart (Columbia University), Donald MacPherson (Canadian Drug Policy Coalition), and Dr. Ken Tupper (UBC).

The call for abstracts, and applications for scholarships, are now open and must be submitted by Feb. 9.
The opportunity to register can be found online, available immediately.


Find all the information, see the Alberta Harm Reduction Conference
Twitter @ABHarmReduction


Pregnancy/Substance Use satellite session:
There will be a one day satellite session on June 1, hosted by the HER Pregnancy team (Streetworks, Edmonton), that addresses issues of pregnancy, substance use, policy and  practice. If you are attending the conference, the cost is $50.00 and can be done at the time of conference registration.

If someone is not attending the conference, but still would like to take in the pregnancy session, the registration is $100.00.