Date change for the Men’scapes Conference/Call out for abstracts

AIDS Vancouver Island’s Men’s Health &Wellness Program’s 2nd annual Men’scapes:

Reshaping the Terrain of Men’s Lives on Vancouver Island

This Year’s Men’scapes Conference theme is

The Mind & Body:

How to connect what is going on in your head with what is going on in your pants.


How do we link the thoughts and desires that happen inside us to decision making practices we fall back on, the actions that we take, and the broader impacts of those decisions on our health and wellness? What impacts our choices to engage in the broad sexual plethora available to Gay/MSM/Bi/Queer men, and how do we navigate our lusts in parallel to out health and wellbeing? How do Gay/MSM/Bi/Queer men navigate their lives through the connections between their mind and their body?


This call for abstracts is requesting presentations & workshops that are no shorter or longer than 45 minutes. Basic workshop materials and all tech requirements will be provided upon request. Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words, and contain a title, brief description or workshop/presentation, and list of required resources.


The 2nd Annual Men’scapes Conference will take place in Victoria BC on April 18th, 2015.


Priority interest will be given to abstracts in research, programming, or community initiatives addressing the following topics: Living with HIV, HIV & HCV, Two-Spirit & Indigenous queer men, GBT2SQ Men of Colour, Trans Men, Intergenerational approaches, Body Positivity, Cruising/Public Sex/ Sex Parties, Stigma, PEP/PrEP, Testing & Treatment, Community Building, Harm Reduction, and Identity.


All abstracts must be submitted by March 1st, 2015

Jonathan Degenhardt
Men’s Wellness Program Support Coordinator
AIDS Vancouver Island
3rd Floor, 713 Johnson Street
Esquimalt and Songhees Territories Victoria BC  V8W 1M8
Tel: (250) 384-2366
Fax: (250) 380-9411