CATIE Partnering with Action Canada for New HIV Prevention Course


CATIE and Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights have joined up to offer our newest course – HIV Prevention – in June.

Why this course?

We now have more tools than ever to prevent the transmission of HIV and service providers play an important role in communicating this information with their clients. Throughout this course, participants will learn about the biology of HIV transmission, how social and structural factors influence HIV risk, and what highly effective HIV prevention strategies exist today, including the effect of HIV treatment and an undetectable viral load as a highly effective HIV prevention strategy.

Participants will come away with an ability to accurately discuss HIV transmission risk and prevention strategies with their clients through the lens of harm reduction and sexual and reproductive health. Participants will also learn what service providers can do to address the social and structural factors that influence HIV risk.


Topics covered

Week 1: The biology of HIV transmission

Week 2: Understanding and communicating HIV risk

Week 3: HIV treatment and an undetectable viral load

Week 4: Highly effective HIV prevention strategies

Online Meeting: HIV Prevention: Implications for frontline workers


Target audience: This course is geared towards frontline service providers who work with people who are living with or at risk of HIV. Participants should have a basic understanding of HIV before beginning this course.

Time commitment: Learners should expect to commit 1 hour per week to complete all assigned online activities. The online meeting is approximately 2 hours long.

Technical requirements:
• Desktop, laptop, or tablet computer
• Internet connection
• Up-to-date Chrome, Firefox, or Safari web browser. Note: this course cannot be completed with
Internet Explorer.
• Valid email address


More information

This free course includes up to six hours of online instruction delivered over five weeks. It includes weekly self-directed modules, collaborative discussion boards facilitated by a CATIE educator, and an interactive online meeting with our educators, invited speakers, and fellow learners.

Read the complete course outline.

Dates: May 29, 2023 to June 29, 2023


Register here.


For more information about this course or CATIE’s education offerings, please contact Shriya Hari, health education coordinator, at [email protected]