Participatory Action Research Grants from Vancouver Foundation

Via Vancouver Foundation 


Get ready to apply for a Participatory Action Research Grant in 2023. Short-term (Convene) and multi-year grants (Investigate) are available from Vancouver Foundation depending on the stage of your research project. Applications for are open now to February 13, 2023.

Vancouver Foundation is trying to make funding more accessible. In the past, they required Investigate research projects to match funds, but in 2023, both Convene and Investigate grants will not require applicants to match their funding request. As part of their commitment to trust-based philanthropy and equitable grant-making, they hope to address and remove barriers to accessing grants.



Considering Applying?

Vancouver Foundation offers two different grant types to reflect the different stages of a participatory action research process:

Participatory Action Research Grants at a Glance

  Convene Investigate
Purpose of Grant To develop a participatory action research project plan. To investigate the root cause(s) of a pressing issue, impacting the health of communities.
Maximum funding available Up to $20,000 Up to $100,000
Length of grant Up to 1 year Up to 3 years
Requires matching funds No No
Application process one-stage two-stage


Please note: To be eligible for a PAR grant, the research project must be a collaboration between community organizations and institutions with access to an ethics board, such as universities and research institutions.

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