Book Launch: There are Things that Cannot be Changed

On Friday, December 9th from noon to 1 PM via Zoom, please join AVI for the launch of There are Things that Cannot be Changedin honor of World AIDS Day with Guest Speaker and Author, Peggy Frank!

Register for the free Zoom event.


About the Book:

Author Peggy Frank provides a look at women, HIV, life, love, huge sorrows, resilience and above all hope. The illustrated book is based on over 20 years of correspondence and a loving connection between Canadian activist, Peggy, and Rwandan, single parent of five, Emerthe Nakabonye.

While engaged in the intimate realities of the lives of these two brave and creative women, readers not only begin to understand the impact of a diagnosis with a deadly virus (– for Peggy, in 1988, and for Emerithe, post genocide), but also the way hearts open to compassion and direct action and our will to live is stronger than other forces. Inner strength as well as potent anti-retroviral medicines saved both women’s lives and both reached out – first to their communities and then globally, to others living with HIV.

Yes, the tale winds through a tragic genocide, extreme personal losses and dire poverty but shifts to acts of resilience and moments of inspiration with the grace of a figure skater twirling past open water hazards on a pond.

“There are definitely sad moments, struggles in our lives, and yet – spoiler alert – the book has a happy ending.” – Peggy Frank, January, 2022


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