Positively Dance Program: Changes and Updates



In June of 2022, we launched our peer-led program. Over the last few months, we have been delivering dance classes twice a week at the Scotiabank Dance Center, located downtown Vancouver. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive! As such, we have decided to extend dance classes until March 2023.

In listening to feedback, we are also hearing that the 12-week commitment we originally requested was at times a barrier. As our goal is first and foremost to offer accessible and inclusive programming, we are moving towards a drop-in format where women can participate in these free dance classes whenever works for them. Given these changes, we are also no longer asking for participants to get a blood draw before and after they participate in the study.

Open House Dance Classes from September 25 and October 12. On these days, women living with HIV who are interested in participating in dance classes will be able to drop-in and enrol in the program at the dance studio. We just ask that women who are interested in participating contact us so we can make sure a member of our research team is present to go through the consent process at the dance studio. I have attached a new poster. We would appreciate if you could share widely with your network.


For more information about the Positively Dance program, contact [email protected] or visit https://www.positivelydanceprogram.com/