International Indigenous Pre-conference on HIV and AIDS


See complete conference information on IIPCHA 2022

July 26-28, 2022 in-person and online

The 9th International Indigenous Pre-conference on HIV and AIDS will focus on utilizing Indigenous approaches and culture in the response to HIV and other related health conditions and surrounding issues from across North America, including Canada, the USA, and Mexico. By highlighting Indigenous issues and culture, we will contribute to the recognition of Indigenous Peoples as a “priority population” in the HIV/HCV/tuberculosis response who must receive allocated and targeted funding globally to develop evidence-based Indigenous-specific strategies.


Who should attend IIPCHA?

Indigenous health care advocates, Indigenous health departments, health advocates and Indigenous community members with living experience of HIV/AIDS/HCV/tuberculosis and STIs and their allies. Indigenous youth, Elders, traditional practitioners and community members from across the globe and their families.


The Indigenous Peoples of Montréal
Tsi Nitiohtón:ne Oká:ra

History of Kahnawá:ke

The Mohawks of Kahnawá:ke (Kahnawákeró:non) are an ancient people with a vibrant culture and rich history. We are one of the eight communities that make up the Mohawk (Kanien:keha’ka) Nation and have historic, political and cultural ties based on Honor, Trust and Respect to the Oneida, Seneca, Onondaga, Cayuga and Tuscarora Nations of the Northeastern part of North America.


One Vision – Many Paths

Situating Our Response
Creating space to share Indigenous lived experience, approaches and evidence upholding cultural and intellectual property rights.

Engagement and SolidarityWeaving Indigenous grassroots voices into unified action influencing international and country-level legislative and policy mechanisms.

Indigenous Health Sovereignty
Asserting Indigenous science protocols, research and worldview strengthening holistic policy and advocacy initiatives.

Knowing Our Pandemics
Linking Indigenous knowledge and wise practices from past and present pandemics adopting approaches to diverse contexts.


To learn more, see schedule of speakers, and register, go to IIPCHA 2022 site.