Integrating Hepatitis C Care with Safer Supply Practice

Date: July 28, 2022

Time: 9 AM Pacific time


For World Hepatitis Day, this session will share information on how safer supply providers can integrate hepatitis C care into their practice. This will include an overview of hepatitis C testing, treatment and prevention, examples of how other safer supply programs are providing hepatitis C care, and linkage to hepatitis C trainings and resources.

Hepatitis C testing and treatment is highly effective, and easier than ever for both clients and providers. Safer supply providers have close, trusted relationships with clients and are well-suited to deliver low-barrier hepatitis C care. This can support a wholistic approach for the health of people who use drugs, and support the goal of eliminating hepatitis C in Canada.

This session is being offered in partnership with CATIE, Canada’s source of HIV and hepatitis C information

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