Monkeypox: Information for service providers in Canada

June 29, 2022
10-11:30 AM Pacific time


This information session will be bilingual (English and French) and simultaneous interpretation will be offered.

Recent outbreaks of monkeypox in Canada and other countries have had unique characteristics, including transmission unrelated to travel and higher prevalence among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men.

While monkeypox has not traditionally been considered a sexually transmitted infection, HIV and other sexual health service providers have been on the front lines of detecting these outbreaks and sharing information with other service providers and affected communities across the country.

Many questions remain: who is most at risk, what can be done to prevent transmission, what care and support can be offered to people with monkeypox, and how can organizations communicate effectively without perpetuating stigma against marginalized communities?

This bilingual (English/French) information session will include perspectives from clinicians, community-based service providers and public health workers. Simultaneous interpretation will be offered.


Moderator: Jordan Coulombe, CATIE


• Alexandre Dumont Blais, Executive Director, RÉZO
• Len Tooley, Advancement and Evaluation Director, Community-Based Research Centre
• Marina Klein, MD, Professor of Medicine, McGill University
• Praney Anand, Executive Director, Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention


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