2nd Annual Love Positive Women Campaign

February 1 – 14, 2022

Once again this year, the Canadian Positive People Network (CPPN) celebrates HIV-positive women and girls from coast-to-coast-to-coast and around the world. As our Co-Chairs shared last year,

“We hold space women who came before us, and we hold space for those that are no longer with us. We mourn like hell for our dead, and we celebrate the lives of our living. For we are mothers, daughters, sisters, aunties, cousins, friends, and we are not alone. We hold space for the women forced to live their lives in the margins.”

Starting February 1 and through to February 14 the CPPN will dedicate space for HIV-positive women and girls, and we invite you to share that dedication with us. Please consider taking some time to share your Love Positive Women tributes in writing (up to 250 words) OR by producing a short video message (up to 2 minutes) that we can share on our website, and on our Facebook page and our Twitter feed. Our HIV-positive peers will be compensated for their contribution. Follow this link if you would like to participate.

Please send your submission to [email protected]. Submissions will be received from January 28  through to February 13.

Love Positive Women today, tomorrow, and always.