Let’s Get Sexfluent: Findings from CANFAR’s 2019 National Youth Survey

At the end of 2019, CANFAR distributed a national online survey to hundreds of youth across Canada. They’ve analyzed the data collected and are excited to share key learnings with their partners in the sector!

Currently, there is no up-to-date national data on Canadian youth’s experiences relevant to sexual health, mental health, substance use, as well as HIV attitudes. We hope that you find our insights to be as valuable and interesting as we do.

After we present our findings, we will give you an exclusive preview of CANFAR’s brand new youth program and website: SEXFLUENT – coming June 2021. Stay tuned!

Date: Friday May 28, 2021

Time: 10 AM Pacific time

Register here now

Please note: the webinar will only be available in English. The webinar will be recorded and the default video settings for participants will be turned off.

Please email any questions to: [email protected].