Letter to Canadian Government: decriminalize simple possession immediately

This week, PAN signed onto this letter from the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, Pivot Legal Society and the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition – they joined forces to call on the Minister of Health and other key ministers in the federal government to immediately decriminalize the possession of illicit drugs in response to the twin crises of opioid overdoses and the COVID-19 pandemic. Organizational endorsements are being sought here for the letter – Thanks for considering!

These messages that can be shared through social media to inform and engage your members, clients, and your broader community:



Overdose deaths are increasing during #COVID19. We must follow #publichealth evidence and decriminalize simple drug possession now. Will your organization sign on to support? https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LLLRZJL @PattyHajdu #DrugDecrim #cdnpoli #FlattenInequality


We join the call to immediately decriminalize simple drug possession. Evidence-based action is needed in an escalating #OverdoseCrisis made worse by #COVID19. Sign on now: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LLLRZJL @PattyHajdu #DrugDecrim #cdnpoli