Keep up the pressure for life-saving health services!

Via the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network 

Now that the election is over and Canada’s new government is taking shape, it’s time to keep the pressure on. Despite the devastating overdose crisis, drug policy and harm reduction services didn’t get nearly enough play during the campaign. But we can’t let these critical issues be pushed aside.

In their last mandate, the Liberal government took some important steps towards supporting harm reduction, including safer consumption services. But there’s much more to be done.

We need to demand that our political leaders do better.

There are still a few months before the new budget is tabled and now is the time to act. We need to show the government that Canadians care about harm reduction and about saving the lives of people who use drugs. They need to devote money to fund these services and to address the current overdose crisis. There is no time to waste while people die.

Help us show the government that Canadians support these life-saving services. Help us keep the pressure on them to do the right thing and save thousands of lives.

How? By signing our petition calling on all the federal party leaders to act quickly.

If you’ve already signed, thank you! Will you take the next step and share the link with your family and friends, asking them to add their names? Every signature helps!

In solidarity,
The Legal Network

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