Job Posting: Mpowerment YVR Coordinator, YouthCO

YouthCO reduces the impact of HIV and hepatitis C stigma on the youth of British Columbia through peer support, education and meaningful community engagement. We also work to end the stigma related to HIV and hepatitis C.

Mpowerment is a HIV leadership program. It is queer centered, gender affirming and trans inclusive for young adults ages 19 to 29. The Mpowerment team offers a space for youth to meet, hangout and talk about the ups and downs of sex, drugs, relationships and all the things that bring us pleasure. We work to build safer stronger communities for all young people, including those of us living with and most impacted by HIV.


What does the Mpowerment Coordinator do?

The Mpowerment Coordinator’s main role is developing and facilitating peer-led HIV leadership programming. The three priorities for the Mpowerment Coordinator are:

  • leading peer programming
  • facilitating youth engagement in our programs
  • connecting youth to HIV services


This job does not have a minimum requirement for education or number of years of work
or volunteer experience. That’s because we realize education and/or past jobs are not the only experiences that may make someone a great fit for this position on the YouthCO team. As a peer-led organization, it is most important to us to hire someone who will connect with the communities
that we work with, and is able to meet the job responsibilities. We want to see your application if you believe you will make a great Mpowerment YVR Coordinator, whatever level of education or work experience you have! We are looking to hire someone who is able to do the job.  .

We believe that youth are best positioned to connect with our peers on topics related to sex and substance use. We strongly encourage youth who are under the age of 25, living with HIV or Hep C, Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, Two-Spirit, queer, trans, non-binary, and/or living with disabilities to apply.

To learn more about YouthCO and Mpowerment, visit our website at Knowing more about the organization and program you are applying to work in will help you shape a great application!
This is a contract position starting January 6, 2020, ending March 31, 2022. Position may be renewed should funding be continued beyond March 31, 2022.

Deadline to apply November 25, 2019 at 10 AM.
