Community Wellness and Harm Reduction Grant Opportunity – Request for Proposals

Updated November 1, 2019:

Deadline to Apply Extended for Funding for Municipalities or Regional Districts

Community-based organizations are not eligible to apply for these grants but are encouraged to partner with their local municipalities or regional districts.

Community Action Initiative has extended the deadline to submit applications for this funding opportunity. Please share this announcement with your local municipality or regional district!

Community Wellness and Harm Reduction Grant Opportunity – Request for Proposals

Community Action Initiative is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity! Please share this announcement with your local municipality!

In partnership with the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions (MMHA) and Overdose Emergency Response Centre (OERC), we are offering funding for Community Wellness & Harm Reduction Grants.

Harm reduction aims to keep people and communities safe and to empower people with lived or living experience (PWLLE) of substance use to join service providers in determining the best interventions to reduce harms and increase individual and community wellness.

Funding is available for municipalities who propose harm reduction projects or initiatives focused on a range of support services and strategies designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, resources and supports for individuals, families and communities to be safer, healthier and more inclusive. Collaboration with local community-based organizations, local First Nations communities and Indigenous service providers is encouraged.

Funding ranges from $15,000 to $50,000 per community as determined by identified need and size of municipality.

The link to the CAI Online Grant System, and important application guidelines can be found on the CAI website.

Applications must be completed through the CAI Online Grant System, and are due by Friday, November 1st, 2019.
Key dates:
• Applications close: November 1st, 2019
• Grants awarded: December 2019