The Government of Canada Five-Year Action Plan on STBBI

The Government of Canada has released Accelerating Our Response: Government Of Canada Five-Year Action Plan On Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections (STBBI).

Accelerating our response: Government of Canada five-year action plan on sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections

In-brief: Accelerating our response: Government of Canada five-year action plan on sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections

The Action Plan sets out the Government of Canada’s priorities over the next five years to contribute to achieving the strategic goals set out in the  Pan-Canadian STBBI Framework for Action that was launched by federal, provincial and territorial Ministers of Health in June 2018.

It is our hope that this Action Plan will play an important role in galvanizing Canada’s efforts toward implementation of the Pan-Canadian STBBI Framework for Action and reaching the global targets of eliminating AIDS, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections as public health concerns by 2030.