Webinar: Measuring Reductions in STBBIs: Your Input Matters

We want to hear from you and your organization!

Reducing the health impact of sexually transmitted and blood borne infections (STBBIs) is a key goal for British Columbia, for Canada, and globally. To support this goal, the Public Health Agency of Canada released a Pan-Canadian STBBI Framework for Action and a working group has been developed to propose indicators that will monitor progress of the Framework. The working group would like community feedback on the indicators, and what you think is important to measure to reduce STBBIs.

Join us for a webinar on June 18th at 11 AM as Dr. Jason Wong (BC Centre for Disease Control) and Jennifer (Evin) Jones (Pacific AIDS Network) walk us through the development and concepts of the Framework, followed by an opportunity for you to share your thoughts on what the Framework should measure.


Suggested audience:

People with lived experiences of HIV and hepatitis C

Managers and frontline staff of community-based HIV and hepatitis C organizations



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