Providing Gender Affirming Hepatitis C Services to TNB2S Youth


A group of trans, non-binary and Two Spirit youth (including Indigenous youth) at YouthCO have created a workshop aimed at service providers and clinicians about providing gender affirming care to youth most impacted by Hep C (and HIV).

Learn more about this project and how to book this workshop for your team .


For folks in the Victoria area, this workshop is being offered on March 15 at 2 PM. Reserve your seat today

In this workshop, we will explore strategies to offer gender affirming and trans-inclusive care to trans, Two-Spirit, and non-binary youth who may benefit from Hep C prevention, support, and treatment. Participants will deepen their understanding of barriers trans youth face in accessing healthcare and support for Hep C prevention, treatment and care, and discuss actionable solutions.

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Incorporate gender affirming and trans-inclusive language and terminology in their practice and service provision.
  • Identify barriers that trans, Two-spirit and non-binary youth face in accessing healthcare and/or harm reduction services at their practice and articulate strategies for reducing these barriers.
  • Describe cissexism and its relationship to Hep C
  • Provide accurate harm reduction information and tools to youth navigating cissexism


This is a 90 minute workshop facilitated by trans, Two-Spirit, and non-binary youth in British Columbia. We are able to offer this workshop in-person across British Columbia, and we may be able to offer a webinar version as well. To book a workshop with our team, please contact us at [email protected].