Job Posting: Executive Director, Positive Living Society of BC

Job Purpose

The Executive Director is responsible for the successful leadership, management and delivery of programs, services and initiatives that support the organization’s mission & vision and are within the strategic direction set by the Board of Directors.


Primary Duties and Responsibilities

The Executive Director is accountable for the ongoing development and management of the following organizational areas: member programs & services, operations & administration, finance, human resources, communications & education and fund development.

The Executive Director, an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Board of Directors, is expected to provide timely appropriate support to the Board of Directors and to ensure the society fulfills or meets all its legal and ethical obligations.


Vision Statement

People living with HIV in BC are healthy and free to lead purposeful and actively engaged lives in an accepting, inclusive community.


Mission Statement

The society exists to enable persons living with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and Human Immunodeficiency Virus to empower themselves through mutual support and collective action.

From our personal struggles and challenges come our courage and strength.



      • Participate with the Board of Directors in developing a rolling strategic plan to guide the organization
      • Identify, assess and inform the Board of Directors of internal and external issues that affect the organization
      • Act as a professional advisor to the Board of Director on all aspects of the organization’s activities
      • Foster effective teamwork between the Board, the Executive Director and staff
      • At the direction of the Board, act as a spokesperson for the organization and represent the organization at community activities to enhance the organization’s community profile
      • Conduct official correspondence on behalf of the Board as appropriate, and jointly with the Board when appropriate
      • Identify key issues that may affect the society; recommend and implement strategies to manage their impact
      • Have comprehensive knowledge of the Board’s governance policies and provide ongoing policy advice to the Board
      • Provide support to the Board of Directors in its planning and evaluation activities


      Operational planning and management

      • Develop an operational plan that incorporates goals & objectives that work towards the strategic direction, vision and mission of the organization
      • Ensure that the operation of the organization meets the expectations of its members, Board and funders
      • Oversee the efficient and effective day-to-day operation of the organization
      • Recommend organizational changes that will enhance the organization’s ability to deliver effective and efficient programs & services
      • Draft policies for the consideration of the Board and prepare procedures to implement the organizational policies; review existing policies on an annual basis and recommend changes to the Board as appropriate
      • Ensure that personnel, member, donor and volunteer files are securely stored, and privacy / confidentiality is maintained
      • Ensure that necessary records and reports are filed with Registrar of Societies, the Federal, Provincial & civic governments and funding bodies
      • Collaborate with related organizations to develop joint responses to emerging issues


      Program and service planning & management

      • Oversee the planning, implementation and evaluation of the organization’s programs and services
      • Ensure that the programs and services offered by the organization contribute to the organization’s vision and mission, maintain its values and reflect the priorities of the strategic plan
      • Monitor the day-to-day delivery of the programs and services of the organization to maintain or to improve quality
      • Oversee the planning, implementation, execution and evaluation of special projects
      • Ensure appropriate evaluation strategies, including measures of program efficacy, member satisfaction, community input (e.g. focus groups, workshop evaluations, attendance statistics) and outcome measures, are in place
      • Maintain a strong working knowledge of significant developments and trends in the HIV support sector
      • Ensure programs and services reflect current HIV epidemiology, research and community needs


      Human resources planning and management

      • Determine staffing and volunteer requirements for organizational management and program delivery, and recommend, to the Executive Committe of the Board, ways and means of meeting those requirements
      • Oversee the implementation of the human resources policies, procedures and practices, including the development and maintenance of job descriptions for all staff in the context of a closed union environment (which environment does not include management positions)
      • Establish a positive, healthy and safe work environment in accordance with all appropriate legislation, regulations and Board-approved policies
      • Working with hiring committees appointed by the Executive Committee of the Board, oversee the hiring of staff who have the appropriate technical and personal abilities to help further the organization’s mission
      • Ensure that all staff receive an orientation to the organization and that appropriate training is provided
      • Implement a performance management process for all staff, which includes monitoring the performance of staff on an ongoing basis and conducting an annual performance review
      • Coach and mentor staff as appropriate to improve performance
      • Foster, where appropriate, a networked organization with a high degree of flexibility and cooperative teamwork
      • Discipline staff when necessary using appropriate techniques; release staff when necessary using appropriate and legally defensible procedures
      • Ensure human resources best practices and policies are implemented and supported with a strong focus on change and conflict management
      • Ensure the organization is compliant with applicable Collective Agreements and applicable labour legislation


      Financial planning and management

      • Work with staff and the Board (Finance Standing Committee) to prepare the annual operating budget
      • Work with the Board to secure adequate funding for the operation of the organization
      • Ensure the organization’s sustainability by researching funding sources and by overseeing the development of fundraising plans
      • Actively participate in fundraising activities
      • Provide for the appropriate approval of expenditures within the authority delegated by the Board
      • Ensure that sound bookkeeping and accounting procedures are followed, specifically, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles or GAAP
      • Administer the funds of the organization according to the approved budget and monitor the monthly cashflow of the organization
      • In consultation and conjunction with the Treasurer of the Board and the Director of Finance, ensure the ongoing fiscal viability of the organization through sound fiscal management
      • Provide the Board, through the Finance Standing Committee, with comprehensive, regular reports on the revenues, expenditures, assets and liabilities of the organization
      • Ensure that the organization complies with all legislation covering taxation and statutory withholdings
      • Participate in, and guide the development of, relationships with the organization’s significant donors


      Community relations / advocacy

      • Communicate with stakeholders to keep them informed of the work of the organization and to identify changes in the community served by the organization
      • Establish positive working collaboration and relationships with community groups, funders, politicians and others through innovation and inter-agency networking to achieve the organizations’ goals
      • Take an active part in professional, community & service organizations and networks when such involvement will further the best interests of the organization, subject to approval by the Board
      • In conjunction with the Board, cultivate a positive leadership role locally, regionally and nationally within the HIV sector
      • Maximize opportunities for community partnerships and networks in the design, implementation and evaluation of programs & services and in the reduction of systemic barriers to service delivery
      • As directed by the Board, administer the organization’s policies regarding inappropriate or unacceptable behaviour by a member
      • Refer all media contacts to the Director of Communications, ensuring that the Board of Directors is the voice of the society in all media matters wherever possible


      Risk management

      • Identify and evaluate the risks to the organization’s people (members, staff, management, volunteers), property, finances, goodwill and image and, with the approval of the Board, implement measures to control risks
      • Ensure the organization carries adequate and appropriate liability insurance coverage; assist Board and staff in familiarizing themselves with the parameters of the coverage
      • Oversee the administration of all external contracts and contractors, including funding contracts, leases, services, contracts and any other obligations of a legal and binding nature
      • Ensure appropriate systems are in place to safeguard the physical assets of the society
      • Ensure the integrity and continuity of the society’s information systems and data, including physical and cyber security
      • Be responsible for the negotiation, development and application of all legal contracts involving the organization



      University degree in a related field and / or 10 years’ equivalent, cumulative experience

      Knowledge, skills and abilities

      • Knowledge of excellent leadership and management principles as they relate to non-profit / voluntary organizations in the health sector or social services sector
      • Knowledge of all federal and provincial legislation applicable to voluntary sector organizations, including: employment standards, human rights, occupational health & safety, charities, taxation, CPP, EI, health coverage, etc.
      • Knowledge of current HIV treatment & prevention and the impact of the determinants of health, particularly on vulnerable and marginalized populations
      • Knowledge of human resources management in a closed union environment
      • Knowledge of financial and fiscal management
      • Knowledge of project management

      Proficiency in the use of computers for:

      • MS Office, notably Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
      • Financial and fiscal management
      • Online or network technologies, including the Internet and specifically various social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)

      Demonstrated work practices and competencies

      • Be Adaptable:  Demonstrate a willingness to adapt to circumstances and to be versatile and tolerant in a changing work environment while maintaining effectiveness and efficiency.
      • Behave Ethically:  Understand ethical behaviour & business practices and ensure that own behaviour and the behaviour of others is consistent with these standards and aligns with the values of the organization.
      • Build Relationships:  Establish and maintain positive working relationships with others, both internally and externally, to achieve the goals of the organization.
      • Communicate Effectively:  Speak, listen and write in a clear, thorough and timely manner, using appropriate and effective communication tools and techniques.
      • Innovate and Be Creative:  Develop new and unique ways to improve operations of the organization and to create new opportunities.
      • Be Engaging:  Understand the value of developing strong interpersonal relationships with staff and Board members; actively pursue opportunities to engage in direct, personal, unstructured dialogue.
      • Be Flexible:  Be able to work effectively with marginalized and vulnerable populations and the often-accompanying mental health & substance abuse issues as well as varying sexual orientations and gender identity populations.
      • Focus on Member Role:  Understand and promote the unique foundational and ongoing role of the Society’s membership and its Board in the day-to-day governance and operation of the Society.
      • Foster Teamwork:  Work cooperatively and effectively with others to set goals, resolve problems and make decisions that enhance organizational effectiveness.
      • Lead:  Positively influence others to achieve results that are in the best interest of the organization while enhancing employee or volunteer job satisfaction.
      • Make Decisions:  Assess situations to determine the importance, urgency and risks involved, and make clear decisions that are timely and are in the best interests of the organization.
      • Organize:  Set priorities, develop work schedules, monitor progress towards goals and track details, data, information and activities.
      • Plan:  Determine strategies to move the organization forward, set goals, create & implement action plans and evaluate the process & results.
      • Solve Problems:  Assess problem situations to identify causes, gather & process relevant information, generate viable solutions and make recommendations and / or resolve the problem.
      • Think Strategically:  Assess options and actions based on trends and conditions in the environment and on the vision, mission and values of the organization.



      10 or more years of progressive management experience in a voluntary health or social services sector organization with an annual operating budget exceeding $1 million.


Working conditions

      • Executive Directors usually work in an office environment, but the mission of the organization may sometimes take them to non-standard workplaces.
      • Executive Directors work a standard work week, but additionally will often work evenings, weekends and overtime hours to accommodate activities such as participation in Board meetings and representation of the organization at public events.


For more information, please see complete posting, including how to apply, on Charity Village. Competition closes February 18, 2019.

Learn more about Positive Living BC