Women’s Wellness & Leadership Project

Vancouver Friends for Life Society is pleased to announce our new initiative to support women with lived experience of HIV and hepatitis C (HCV).

The Women’s Wellness and Leadership Project is designed to support women in BC on their own path to health and wellness. The project is accepting applications from women up to $2500 for support with self directed health and education ideas. We look forward to working with women across the province to support making these ideas reality to improve health, wellness, skills building and social connectivity.

Below are examples of eligible projects:

  • Expenses related to attendance at a health and wellness conference/women’s entrepreneurship/ or similar event.
  • Personal development courses that improve a women’s ability to live and manage illness more effectively.
  • Returning to school to develop skills that in turn assist in living healthier with HIV/hepatitis C where no other funds are available. i.e. sudent loans, scholarships from an institution or organization.
  • Holistic health therapies not covered by existing insurance, or free services available in one’s community. Particularly for women living outside of the lower mainland.
  • Returning to work expenses, for required courses where no other funds are available to cover. i.e. Food safe, First Aid, or similar job requirements.
  • Art directed projects that include educational components and opportunities to share with women living with HIV and or hepatitis C.
  • Innovative and unique opportunities to share your experience living with HIV/hepatitis C amongst the greater provincial, national and/or global perspective.


These are just some examples. If you have an idea for funding please contact our Peer Project Coordinator, Shelly Tognazzini at [email protected] 604 682 5992.


Application Deadlines

March 15th 2019 – Results announced by March 30th 2019

June 15th 2019 – Results announced by June 30th 2019

September 15th 2019 – Results announced by September 2019

December 15th 2019 – Results announced by December 20th 2019

February 15th 2020 – Results announced by February 28th 2020


Please click here for the application template (Word document)


All women who receive funding will be invited to attend a provincial conference in April 2020 (location to be determined) to come together as a group and share their experience with their funding and the impact it has had in their health and wellness. Further details on this conference event will be released later in 2019.

Women are strongly encouraged to contact the Peer Project Coordinator in advance of submitting their application for information and any questions regarding the eligibility of their project.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!