Now Recruiting… PAN Board of Directors!

Pop quiz, for you or someone you know:

Do you want to participate on a provincial level regarding HIV, hepatitis C and related issues? Are you looking for a big picture experience as opposed to hands-on opportunity? Do you want to support the frontlines, rather than (just) be on them? Do words like “policy change, research & evaluation, fiscal accountability & sustainability” almost excite you? 

So many questions, but worth asking, and if the answer’s “yes”, then consider applying to join the Pacific AIDS Network Board of Directors!

As our website and eNews attest, this is an exciting time for PAN as doors continue to open for our network to collaborate with and influence government, health authorities and researchers. There is no end to the work underway in relation to the ongoing overdose crisis, access to harm reduction, confronting stigma, and working to ensuring adequate supports for people living with HIV and hepatitis C, along with many other issues.

PAN plays a vital “background role” in supporting our member agencies who are on the front lines – working on things such as policy change and regional provincial and federal funding structures.  Ours is also a governance board.  So while this is the type of volunteer position that is not always the most “electric”, board members at PAN do play a key role in ensuring that the network is doing the best job possible serving the membership.

Our annual provincial fall conference is approaching (October 30th and 31st in Kelowna), and we here at PAN are in search of talented and passionate volunteers to join the Board team (but first check that there is an empty seat in your region – check out the ‘What seats are up for election’ section below)

The deadline for submitting an application for this year’s AGM/PLHIV Forum is October 5th, 2018.

More about PAN

We are a member-based coalition that provides a network to support 45 member organizations’ working hard to respond to HIV, hepatitis C and related issues.   Some of what we do:

  • Facilitating linkages, communication and the sharing of best practices amongst member organizations and with external stakeholders (e.g., policy makers, funders, researchers, etc.)
  • Providing programs and services including:
    • Professional/workforce development (e.g. in person training and workshops, and virtual learning opportunities for the staff and key volunteers of our member organizations)
    • Leadership training for people living with HIV (PLDI)
    • Face-to-face networking
    • Mutual support, education and skills development
    • Community-based research and program evaluation services
    • Participatory evaluation initiatives and partnerships
  • Acting as one of the provincial voices for the community-based response to HIV and hepatitis C
  • Undertaking collective action and policy change to influence public perceptions and policies affecting people living with HIV and hepatitis C, as well as those most “at risk”

Please note that PAN is NOT a frontline organization – we are a network of such agencies. And our members are organizations/agencies (not individuals). So, if your passion aligns with the work of frontline groups, then the Board may not be for you.

What is the Board at PAN and why is it important?

Elected or appointed board members are volunteers that oversee the activities of PAN, and as a collective group, the Board is the governing body of PAN. PAN Board members set policy and also are establish PAN’s strategic plan. Board members support the Executive Director and staff in ensuring PAN activities and initiatives follow our purpose, mission and strategic plan. Other roles include approving annual budgets and keeping the organization’s performance accountable to the membership, to our funders and other stakeholders. In essence, the PAN Board makes sure that PAN fulfills its mission and ensures it does so responsibly, respectfully, and with ethical financial management.

Being a Board member is a highly responsible and accountable governing role, and should not be entered into lightly.  At PAN, it should also be noted that this role is not to carry forward the day to day work of the organization – the staff have that responsibility.

What seats are up for election at this year’s Fall conference?

There are a total of 12 seats on the Board, half of which are designated for persons living with HIV (PLHIV), and the other half being open or “non-designated” seats, meaning they may be occupied by PLHIV or not.

The five geographically-based health regions (Northern, Interior, Fraser, Vancouver, Vancouver Island) and the Provincial Health Services region each takes two seats, one designated PLHIV seat and one “open seat” on the PAN Board.

Due to retirement, terms coming to an end and other life changes, there are actually up to nine seats up for election at this year’s AGM/PLHIV Forum:

Fraser Yes
Interior Yes
Island Yes Yes
Northern Yes Yes
Vancouver Coastal Yes
Provincial Health Services Yes Yes

The term for all board seats is two years. Once the term is over, a board member can run as an incumbent. Presently there are no term limits on board seats.

What are some of the qualifications and requirements for becoming a PAN board member?

First off, board applicants must have the sponsorship of an existing PAN member organization in the relevant region.  You can read more about the job description for PAN board members. Ideally, you have a minimum of two years’ experience working or volunteering in the field (i.e. HIV, hepatitis C, harm reduction, etc.) Past committee or board work experience is a plus, though not required – we also look for opportunities to build the skill set and capacity of all contributors at PAN, volunteers, staff and board members.

We are looking for self-motivated, enthusiastic and curious contributors who can step outside of their own individual stories or that of their organization, to see the “big picture”, think strategically and are comfortable with a governance role. Board members are expected to commit time and energy and stay engaged.

Because we are a provincial organization, board members and staff live and work across the province. The ability to work virtually is therefore a must. All board members must have a regular and timely access to emails and telecommunication (the majority of Board communications are electronic and bi-monthly 120-minute board meetings are held via web or teleconference). Board members are also expected to attend day-long, face-to-face meetings once or perhaps twice-a-year (one of which typically coincides with PAN’s Annual Fall Conference).

Historically, PAN board members have been strong leaders within their own organizations – often occupying senior paid or volunteer position; as well as powerful voices within their region – who were then ready to lend their perspective and talents to the provincial picture.

Learn more about Board Roles and Responsibilities

How can I apply to join the Board?

There are two ways in which a person can join the Board of Directors of PAN. The first is by successfully running for election at the AGM/PLHIV Forum. The second is by being appointed by the sitting Board of Directors to fill a vacant seat. Board terms are for two years. If appointed by the Board during the year, that person must then run for election at the next AGM.

Looking to this year’s fall conference, any person interested in joining the Board must:

  1. Complete the application form.
  2. Have the written endorsement of their PAN member organization/sponsoring agency.
  3. Attach a CV/resume for this role.
  4. Send all documents to Simon Goff at [email protected] by the deadline.

The deadline for submitting an application for this year’s AGM/PLHIV Forum is October 5th, 2018.


  1. The Board Governance Committee will review applications and give initial feedback to applicants, including discussing any necessary supports needed. Not all applications received by the Board will necessarily be endorsed by the board if qualifications or Societies Act criteria are lacking.
  2. Board applications that are endorsed will be provided in advance, to the membership, and subsequently brought forward at the AGM/PLHIV Forum, as applicable.
  3. Applicants will run for election at at the AGM/PLHIV Forum, taking place on October 30th 2018

A reminder that we do not accept nominations from the floor.

Any questions or clarifications you can also call Simon at 250.891.5249.