HIV Testing Day June 27

The Canadian AIDS Society (CAS) has developed resources to mark National HIV Testing Day, which the US promotes as well. June 27 is the official day to encourage your communities to roll up their sleeves and learn their status.

Several PAN member groups are promoting National HIV Testing Day in their communities. If you would like your organization take part too, read on. The following information comes from the Canadian AIDS Society; contact CAS if you have any questions. 

HIV Testing Day is Coming soon! You can advertise your event with this poster from the Canadian AIDS Society.

You should be able to edit the PDF if you have Adobe Acrobat; if not, please let Kelly at CAS know at [email protected] and she can make the needed changes. Please feel free to upload these posters to your social media pages and to print them to advertise around your community.

We will be launching our national press release for HIV Testing Day this week. If you think that a press release will help promote your local Testing Day site, please use it. We do also have templates for provincial press releases – please contact Gary at Canadian AIDS Society if you need any help with formulating a provincial or regional press release.

The social media pages CAS is using for HIV Testing Day are the following:




We will be cross-promoting your testing sites across the country and we ask that you do the same on your social media from our pages. Use the tag #KnowYourStatus


Questions? Contact:

Gary Lacasse
Executive Director| Directeur général
Canadian AIDS Society | La Société canadienne du sida
170  Laurier Avenue West/Ouest  | Suite 602 | Ottawa | Ontario | K1P 5V5
Office/Bureau : 613.230.3580 (118) | 1.800.499.1986 (118)
Email/Courriel : [email protected]


Download poster to customize with your organization’s name.