Webinar: Peer Health Navigation: GIPA, MEPA and Your Organization

Presented by CATIE and Positive Living BC

Date: June 4, 2018
Time: 9 -10 AM Pacific Time/ Noon to 1 PM  Eastern time

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Join CATIE and Positive Living B.C. for a webinar about the greater involvement and meaningful engagement of people living with HIV (GIPA/MEPA) in peer health navigation, a person-centred approach that guides people living with HIV through systems of care.

This webinar will:

  • focus on assessing the capacity of a host agency to work within a GIPA/MEPA framework prior to the development of a peer health navigation program
  • discuss the importance of using a GIPA/MEPA framework and challenge agencies to improve their practice at all stages of the program development process.

Speakers: Glen Bradford, Susanne Nicolay and Murray Jose-Boerbridge.