Call for Proposals – Preventing Gender-Based Violence: the Health Perspective – Teen/Youth Dating Violence Prevention



The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is pleased to invite eligible organizations to submit applications to advance promising programs and initiatives to prevent gender-based violence (GBV)  in the form of teen/youth dating violence in Canada.

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a serious public health issue with long-lasting health and social impacts. The gender of both perpetrators and victims has an impact on all forms of violence across the lifespan, including violence among teens/youth. Adolescence is a key time to provide young people with the knowledge and skills to develop healthy relationships that are free from violence and abuse. These skills and behaviours can pave the way for healthy relationships throughout life.

While many promising interventions exist in this area, more rigorous research is needed to understand which programs are effective to prevent violence. This investment will help to build this evidence base by investing in intervention research to measure and assess changes in attitudes and behaviours, while also identifying  what works, for whom and in which settings. The investment will also support knowledge exchange so that effective programs can be identified and incorporated into ongoing practice.

The deadline to submit a Letter of Intent is January 24, 2018.


Read complete application information on PHAC site