HPV Prevention Week

October 1-7 is Canada’s first HPV Prevention Week, boosted by the Federation of Medical Women of Canada. HPV is one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections (STI) and up to 75% of Canadian men and women will have it at some point in their lifetime. Many will clear the infection on their own, but some won’t, which can lead to complications.

If you’re looking for resources for this inaugural HPV Prevention Week, the Federation of Medical Women of Canada has some great ones on their site, including images, fact sheets posters and videos.


Other resources

HPVInfo.Ca (“Spread the word, not the disease”), which features apps and games, videos and teaching tools.  Prevention information talks about risk reduction and vaccine info too.

Immunize BC offers information about HPV vaccines. Men who have sex with men and those with HIV are recommended to get the vaccine; trans folks are too.

The American Centre for Disease Control has some men-specific information. Men living with HIV are at higher risk for HPV complications if their immune systems aren’t strong.


Tweeting about HPV Prevention Week? Use #CANADAvsHPV / #HPVPW17 to get the word out.



Questions? Feedback? Get in touch! 
Janet Madsen, Capacity Building and Knowledge Translation Coordinator,
[email protected]