Job Postings – Housing Support Worker & Health Educator, Blood Ties

Blood Ties Four Directions Centre is seeking qualified applicants for two postings:

Housing Support Worker
The Housing Support Worker will work closely with the program team to develop a supportive relationship through which clients of Blood Ties can identify their goals in terms of future housing and independence, and work with clients to achieve these goals where appropriate / possible.

The Housing Support Worker:
-Provides advocacy and support to vulnerable individuals in finding and maintaining safe affordable housing;
-Provides case management, housing loss prevention and support to clients in housing;
-Delivers housing education programs;
-Works with landlords, the building community, governments and not-for-profit partners to develop housing solutions for vulnerable populations;
-Provides other support programs through work within the agency and on the Outreach Van

Click here for complete job posting and for information on how to apply.

Health Educator
Focusing on community & sexual health programs with an emphasis in HIV/AIDS, HepC, Harm Reduction, and sexual health education you will:
-Design, develop and deliver prevention education workshops and events to targeted at
risk populations in Whitehorse, including: youth, street-involved youth, persons living
with addictions, persons involved with the criminal justice system, First Nations, and
those highly vulnerable to infection as a result of injection use;
-Design, coordinate and deliver awareness events: World AIDS Day, Scotiabank AIDS
Walk for Life, World Hepatitis Day;
-Coordinate, monitor and engage program volunteers;
-Design and deliver condom awareness programs;
-Deliver front line advocacy, support and harm reduction programs

Click here for complete job posting and for information on how to apply.