Pacific AIDS Network – Call for Webinar Presentations!

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Do you want to share your expertise and experience, an awesome program or project, with PAN’s 50 plus members around the province?  We are seeking interesting, engaging, thought-provoking sessions that will stimulate participants with new and innovative approaches to their work.  PAN also welcomes researchers wanting to present research findings, particularly research that directly impacts or assists community-based organizations in their work.

Submitting your idea is easy to do.  Please read the information package and then follow the link to an online form.  The questions contained on the online form are attached at the end of the information package so you can get an idea of the information we’re looking for.

We invite you to make your submission anytime as we will start scheduling webinars for mid October through to March 2017.

Please download and view the Call for Webinars Information Package with all the information needed to make a submission. The submissions themselves will be made using an online system. This will be the only method for making submissions.

We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Call for Webinars Information Package download