Call for Submissions – Gay Men’s Health Summit 2016: Resist Stigma!

summitNovember 9 and 10, 2016
Harbour Centre, Simon Fraser University
515 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, British Columbia

Submissions Deadline: September 9, 2016

Proposals on all topics related to gay men’s health are accepted. Please be mindful of the Resist Stigma theme when preparing your submission. Send your submission, 300-word max, with title, author(s) and affiliation to: [email protected].


Stigma is a strong social force that keeps people out. In school when we’re teased for being gay, on dates when we’re told we aren’t white, masculine, or muscular enough, and when we are made to feel inferior because of who we are or who we love. Stigma makes people feel ashamed of their bodies and emotions. It polices their gender and attractions.

Yet gay men persevere. We organize and we march to carve out spaces for ourselves. We create art and tell stories. We live and we thrive in a heteronormative society where the pernicious forms of stigma constantly assail us. What are the driving forces behind these imperatives and how effective are they both on a societal scale, and an individual scale? What toll does resistance take? How do intersecting identities aid or hinder the efforts to resist?

Join the CBRC at this year’s Summit to learn and share how we can Resist Stigma. Last year they examined stigma’s impact on health. This year they will explore how to rethink stigma, push back, build resilience, and develop supportive social environments. They will include presentations from the Resist Stigma campaign team.

They will accept proposals on all topics related to gay men’s health. Please be mindful of the Resist Stigma theme when preparing your submission.

Keynote Speakers


Dr. John Pachankis, Associate Professor of Epidemiology from Yale University, studies the health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals. He and colleagues have designed an intervention that teaches men skills to counteract the effects of stigma-related stress.







Lisa McDaid, Associate Director of the Centre for Research on Families & Relationships, and Programme Leader at the MRC/CSO Social & Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow,examines how community mobilization, resilience, and asset-based approaches to public health can counter stigma and discrimination to help reduce sexual health inequalities among gay and bisexual men.







Darren Ho, Mpowerment Program Coordinator at YouthCO, works with queer youth to empower them to take on leadership roles within their communities. Darren conducts research through the CBRC’s youth research program, the Investigaytors, and is a founding member of Our City of Colours, an organization that increases the visibility of queer people of colour in Metro Vancouver.

Submissions Deadline: September 9, 2016

Send your submission, 300-word max, with title, author(s) and affiliation to: [email protected].

Presentations: 15-20 minutes
Background/Issues: Research/program objectives; summary of issues
Description: Research methods; description of actions
Results: Summary of data; lessons learned
Conclusions: Implications; next steps

Workshop, Panel, Readings: 1 or 1.5 hour
Overview: Background; rationale
Description: Intended audience; learning objectives
Activities: Topics; speakers
Conclusions: Implications; next steps